Charter of Corporate Behavior
We shall respect the dignity and rights of all people, and shall not discriminate against people unfairly on the basis of race, sex, religion, or any other reason. We shall also expect our suppliers and other contractors to refrain from any infringement of human dignity and rights or discriminatory practices.
Recognition of Issues and Basic Approach
- We shall respect the dignity and rights of all people in every aspect of our corporate activities, and never engage in unjustifiable discrimination whatever the circumstances, whether race, gender, religion, or any other reason.
- In the promotion of specific enlightenment activities, each Group company shall autonomously set policies and priority issues. We shall consistently put into practice activities aimed at becoming a corporate group that offers a pleasant work environment, makes employees motivated, is accepted by society, and has a highly developed awareness of human rights. At the same time, we shall seek to work together as a group.
The Verbatim Group has established Global Policy on Respecting Human Rights, Employment and Labor as its specific human rights guideline in tandem with conveying to all Group members its basic approach to human rights in conformity with international norms such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Global Compact, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and ISO26000. Overseas Group companies endeavour to comply with the laws and regulations applicable to each country and best practices concerning human rights, and raise the satisfaction levels of employees, along with conducting appropriate value chain management in the course of expanding their business activities.
Verbatim Group Global Policy on Respecting Human Rights, Employment and Labor
Our approach to sharing our principle of respecting human rights
The Verbatim Group has declared its commitment to respect human rights in the Global Policy on Respecting Human Rights, Employment, and Labor. With this policy, we continuously implement the following processes and prevent adverse impacts to meet the responsibility. We also provide for their remediation if we identify that it has caused or contribute adverse impacts.
Process to share the principle of respecting human rights
- Based on the concept of human rights due diligence, a process to identify, prevent, and mitigate adverse human rights impacts, we communicate with stakeholders to identify potential and actual adverse human rights impacts.
- We assess the identified potential and actual adverse human rights impacts and our corporate activities.
- We prevent and mitigate adverse human rights impacts and continuously track their effects through our corporate activities.
- We report these activities to stakeholders using the proper channels.
Our progress
For information about the promotion structure for activities related to human rights, please see the Charter of Corporate Behaviour page.
For information about our stance against Slavery and Human Trafficking, please follow this link
Main Activities
Training Sessions and Seminars
The Verbatim Group conducts training sessions and seminars such as human rights training for management and employees and human rights awareness-raising activities related to a broad range of human rights issues, including harassment and discrimination against people in certain social groups, and issues pertaining to women, the disabled and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA) people.